Balanced Living

DIY Skincare

Posted by Arja on November 13 in Personal Care and Cleaning

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to co-present a workshop with Graydon Moffat, the creator of the non-toxic skincare line Graydon Clinical Luxury by Nature.  I love her line of products and use it on my entire family (dog included!), but what really impresses me about her is how generous she is with her knowledge.

I’m a DIY kind of gal; I love cooking and creating home versions of foods I love (nut butter, almond milk, condiments), I have a hard time saying no to chairs I find at the side of the road, and if it involves a sewing machine or glue you can pretty much guarantee I want to be involved.

While I already make my own cleaning supplies, making my own personal care products isn’t something I feel too confident about.  I have yet to venture beyond adding some sugar to my cleanser to create a scrub or combining essential oils with a carrier oil (like apricot kernel or sweet almond) for a personalized moisturizer.  Beyond that, I’m out of my element.

Choosing non-toxic personal care and cleaning products is as important to your health and wellness as eating good food.  There are so many chemicals being used in products these days and we don’t yet know the long-term impact that they will have on our health.  Most of them are hormone disruptors, carcinogenic, can lead to skin irritations, and certainly aren’t edible.  If our skin can absorb the bad stuff, then it stands to reason that it will also absorb the good stuff, so why not use high quality ingredients chock full of nutrients with positive health benefits?

Here are some of my take away points from the wonderful afternoon I spent with Graydon:

1. Choose to use whole food-based ingredients to make your skin care products.  Things like yoghurt, mangoes, avocados, papayas, cacao, and cinnamon are all really good for you when ingested, and equally good for your skin!  Making a smoothie?  Sounds like the base for a great facial masque too!

2. Don’t be afraid to experiment.  Everyone has different skin, and what works for your friend might not work for you.  Play around.  Choose ingredients that your skin responds to.  The same goes for coming up with a mix of products that you like – different oils (shea, cocoa, coconut, etc.) all have different hardening temperatures, so play around with them until you come up with a consistency that works for you.

3. Nourish your skin, don’t strip it.  Whether you choose to use an oil cleanser, or add a rich, nourishing serum to your routine, just don’t be afraid of oil.  Oil isn’t what causes blemishes, or other skin issues.  Stop stripping your skin by washing with harsh soaps and it will thank you.

Healthy, radiant skin starts with eating foods that make you glow from the inside, and choosing skin care products that feed your skin from the outside.

I hope you can join us next time!

arja pennanen lytle c.n.p. n.n.c.p certified nutritional practitioner

Arja is a Holistic Nutritionist with a passion for balanced living. She loves to help people sleep better, think better, feel sexier, and just generally feel better by putting the focus on eating foods that make you feel good. Arja uses whole foods, lifestyle adjustments, herbs, and some supplements to help people feel their best and achieve their health and wellness goals.