Balanced Living
Spring Things - Ginger Orange Dressing
Posted by Arja on May 6 in Nutrition, Salads
Spring is a bit slow to warm up this year, but it’s here. My garden is bursting with green things, the days are longer, and the air smells warmer. Oh, and those super annoying little black bugs, midges, are back in full force. Yup, spring is definitely here.
Grow Your Garden & My Favourite Kale Salad Base
Posted by Arja on April 7 in Holistic Health, Nutrition, Salads
A few weeks ago my 4 year old brought home a tiny paper cup filled with soil. He told me that they had planted seeds at school as a part of some Earth Day activities, and that we needed to give the cup sun and water to help the seed grow. I put the cup in our kitchen window and together we’ve been remembering to give it water, and check in on it. I honestly didn’t think much about this at the time, but then I noticed the seed had started to sprout, and after this hard, miserable winter, it made me smile.
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Cool Eats for Hot Days – Grilled Salmon with Asian Zucchini Slaw
Posted by Arja on July 17 in Fish, Salads
Well, it’s official. Toronto is in the middle of a scorching heat wave, and if it’s as hot (or hotter!) wherever you are, than I imagine you’re in search of ways to eat meals that require very little actual cooking! There are an infinite number of ways to eat a salad – with or without meat or fish, with nuts and seeds, ass boiled eggs, sheep or goat cheese – but at the end of the day it can still get boring to eat some mixture of leafy greens and veg, no matter what it’s topped with.
Read More →Making the Most of Winter Salads – Kale, Fennel, & Blood Orange
Posted by Arja on April 1 in Salads
It’s March and a few teaser warm days have got many of us thinking of spring! The trouble is, while we long for sunny days and warm weather food, we’re still a little ways off from the fresh, bright tastes that come with a summer salad. I love soups, stews, and other one-pot wonder meals, but honestly, nothing sends me swooning faster than the fresh crunch and refreshing taste of a veggie-filled salad. Thank goodness there’s more to salad than just butter soft lettuces, as cabbage, kale, and other greens make a crunchy, satisfying base.
Read More →Beets & Fennel You Say?
Posted by Arja on September 3 in Salads
It’s been a hot summer, and if you’re anything like me you’re running out of creative ways to eat cold food. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good salad, but after a while, trying to find ways to create interesting things out of leafy greens and raw/cooked vegetables gets a little tiresome. Also, since we’re now entering the late stages of summer and encroaching on fall we are starting to see more root vegetables and squashes making their way into farmers’ markets and grocery stores. If you’re not ready to start roasting things in your oven yet, then this fabulous take on salad may just be the answer.
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