Balanced Living

Back to School – The Mental Health Variable

Posted by Arja on September 3 in Holistic Health

September is back to school time for people all over North America.  As children gear up for new adventures and teachers head back into the classroom, it’s hard not to feel like it’s a new year, even if you don’t have children.  New years, and new beginnings, can be exciting, but for people who struggle with mental health issues it can stir up feelings of fear, anxiety, and even depression.

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Spring Mini Reboot - Kick Start Your Summer!

Posted by Arja on June 9 in

Spring has been a little slow to start in some areas this year, but the sun is shining, the kids are almost finished school (how did that happen so fast?!?), and we’re dreaming of summer fun.  Vacations, summer parties, and patio beverages are all on the menu, but all that indulging can also leave you feeling bloated and tired.  Want to kick start some healthy habits this summer and take away some strategies that you can incorporate into your summer routine?  Join my Spring Mini Reboot running from June 16th - June 29th!

Spring Mini Reboot

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Spring Harvest:  Eating the Best of the Season

Posted by Arja on May 22 in Nutrition

This has been a harsh winter for many, and the sight of spring bulbs blooming, the bright yellow flowers on the forsythia bushes, and a little sunshine on our faces is being welcomed with open arms.  While spring gardens are blossoming and growing, farmers and foragers have been busy harvesting the best edibles that spring has to offer.

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21 Day Balanced Reboot - April 2014

Posted by Arja on April 13 in Holistic Health, Newsletters, Nutrition

Making changes can be hard, but you don’t have to struggle and do it on your own!  If you’re ready to sleep better, lose some weight, kick your sugar cravings, and boost your energy then join us for the next 21 Day Balanced Reboot!

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Grow Your Garden & My Favourite Kale Salad Base

Posted by Arja on April 7 in Holistic Health, Nutrition, Salads

A few weeks ago my 4 year old brought home a tiny paper cup filled with soil.  He told me that they had planted seeds at school as a part of some Earth Day activities, and that we needed to give the cup sun and water to help the seed grow.  I put the cup in our kitchen window and together we’ve been remembering to give it water, and check in on it.  I honestly didn’t think much about this at the time, but then I noticed the seed had started to sprout, and after this hard, miserable winter, it made me smile.



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arja pennanen lytle c.n.p. n.n.c.p certified nutritional practitioner

Arja is a Holistic Nutritionist with a passion for balanced living. She loves to help people sleep better, think better, feel sexier, and just generally feel better by putting the focus on eating foods that make you feel good. Arja uses whole foods, lifestyle adjustments, herbs, and some supplements to help people feel their best and achieve their health and wellness goals.